Select Writing
Hammer and Hope: The Courage to Disagree (Spring 2024)
Hammer and Hope: After the Uprising, What is to be Done? (Winter 2023)
The New York Magazine: Grief Over Time (Feb 2022)
Teen Vogue: Cori Bush: Can She Bring the Movement for Black Lives to Congress? (Jan 2021)
Level: The System is Built for Power, Not Justice (Oct 2020)
Harper’s Bazaar: 100 Days of Protest (Sep 2020)
The Atlantic: How I Became A Police Abolitionist” (Jul 2020)
The New York Times: Police Can’t Solve the Problem. They are the Problem.” (Sept 2019)
The New York Times: Why Does Obama Scold Black Boys? (Feb 2019)
The New York Times: Communities Should Create Activists and Politicians (Feb 2016)
The New York Times: A New Civil Rights Movement Is Already Growing at the Grassroots (Jan 2015)
The Guardian: Beyonce’s Display of the American Flag Raises Questions for Black People (May 2024)
The Guardian: America Has a History of Banning Black Studies. We Can Learn from that Past (Feb 2023)
The Guardian: What Would Have Saved Tyre Nichols’ Life? (Jan 2023)
The Guardian: Biden Must Cancel All Student Debt, Including for Those with Graduate Degrees (Jun 2022)
The Guardian: The Roe Ruling is not about States’ Rights. It is about Power and Control (Jun 2022)
The Guardian: Why Do White Supremacists Want to Kill Black People? (May 2022)
The Guardian: The ‘Missing White Woman Syndrome’ Still Plagues America (Sept 2021)
The Guardian: Celebrating Derek Chauvin’s conviction is not enough. We want to live (Apr 2021)
The Guardian: The George Floyd Act Would Not Have Saved George Floyd’s Life (Mar 2021)
The Guardian: Look at the Capitol Hill Rioters. Now Imagine if They Had Been Black (Jan 2021)
The Guardian: Why Progressive Black Women Feel Torn About Kamala Harris (Aug 2020)
The Guardian: Black Americans are in an Abusive Relationship with the Democratic Party (May 2020)
The Guardian: Bernie Sanders’ political outsider savviness was his strength – and weakness (Apr 2020)
The Guardian: Coronavirus has shown that it is possible to change the US criminal justice system (Apr 2020)
The Guardian: I’m Sad to See Elizabeth Warren Dropout. Now She Has a Choice To Make. (Mar 2020)
The Guardian: Bloomberg and Trump Are Two Sides of the Same Sinister Coin (Feb 2020)
The Guardian: Why Cory Booker Failed To Inspire Young Voters of Color (Jan 2020)
The Guardian: Many Americans Are Ready for a Black Woman President. Just Not Kamala Harris (Dec 2019)
The Guardian: Bloomberg’s Weak Apology for Stop and Frisk is Too Little, Too Late (Nov 2019)
The Guardian: A Black Woman Was Shot and Killed in Her House. We Need Real Justice (Oct 2019)
The Guardian: Jay-Z Has Crossed the Picket Line with His NFL Deal (Aug 2019)
The Guardian: The Cop Who Killed Eric Garner Walks Free. How Can We Secure Justice? (Jun 2019)
The Guardian: Prisoners Should Be Allowed to Vote, No Matter Their Crime (May 2019)
The Guardian: If even Beyoncé had a rough pregnancy, what hope do other black women have? (Apr 2019)
The Appeal: “Support the NBA Strike, Boycott the Police (Aug 2020)
The Appeal: “Don’t Let Cops Join Our Protests” (Jun 2020)
Slate: Trump’s Lynching Tweet isn’t Just Offensive. It’s Dangerous.” (Oct 2019)
Truthout: Mass Shootings, Militarism, and Police Violence are Chapters in the Same Manifesto (Sept 2019)
Boston Review: What Does Police Abolition Mean? (Aug 2017)
Boston Review: Radical Political Action Reading List (Mar 2016)
Boston Review: Black Study, Black Struggle Forum (May 2016)
In These Times: Shaming White People for 911 Calls is Just the First Step (July 2018)
Medium: Don’t Just Boycott Starbucks. Boycott the Police (Apr 2018)